Odyyseus' Travels

Odyyseus' Travels

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Circe The Witch

The landing on Circe island was hell on earth, getting ashore was hard my crewmen and I were very tired from the lack of food water and rest. After a couple of minutes I sent twenty-three of my men to search for food and water, as my men walked into the jungle of the island they could hear a sweet melody coming from deep in the jungle my men out of curiosity followed the sound of the voice after coming from out of the jungle they found a high cliff that lead to house the sound of Circe singing continued . My men climbed the cliff to find a house that had lions, wolfs, tigers, and monkeys, in front of it. My men continued to follow the voice until the came to Circe door step her servants invited the men into her home for food and water, the men ate and drunk minutes later the men turned into animals but some Eurylochos managed to escape and returned to me giving me the devastating news, immediately Eurylochos was begging me to leave and gather the rest of the men and leave the island for he told me it was a witch who turned my men into animals and sung a sweet tune to rill them in. I urged to set sail and leave my men I didn’t know the condition of this problem so I went alone not wanting any more of my men in danger. As I was claming the cliff to Circe home I was visited by the messenger god Hermes he gave me information on Circe and what should be done Hermes gave me an poison that would make me immune to her potion that turned my men into animals. As I entered her humble of berg I was offered wine and food as drunk the wine her eyes got huge surprised that I yet had not turned into an animal drew my sword at her neck and demanded that she turn my men back to their self’s now, then she made me an offer I couldn’t refuse she offered me to sleep with her for my men to be restored. After her seduction she turned my men back into there self’s my men and I stayed for awhile allowing her servants to cater to us but they tricked us they were feeding me and my men Lotus pedals the pedals clear are minds of everything. While me and my men thought we were on her island for a five days was really five years the others crewmen had died most likely starvation, as I realized this my heart jumped I knew I had to leave this place and return home I ask Circe how to get home from her island she replied that I had to enter the under world to meet a man know as Teiresias I had to visit him before I could return home. Circe gave me a ship and supply for me and my men and we headed off to home.

The Cyclops

As my search for home continued my crew and I land on a island named Sicily- the island of the Cyclops. The Cyclops were one-eyed giants that were the size of trees who lived in the caves around the volcano know as Mount Etna. Some were peaceful shepherds, but some were evil and cruel here was the lack of food we had aboard, so I took a dozen of my best men to search for food. As we moved up the island we came upon a cave that was warm and toasty and had a prepared meal, after my men and I finished eating we stayed until the owner returned so we could thank who ever they were for the wonderful meal. But what we didn’t is that the cave and the food belonged to Ployphemus the nastiest Cyclops of them all he gave a bad name for his brothers. Ployphemus had returned and sealed my crew and I in the cave with a large boulder, then he reached for two of my men and ate them alive, then he picked up his cup of wine and got drunk and then fell asleep. As he was sleeping I had come up with a plan to escape, I took the olive branch he used to make his wine and sharpened it. When I finished the sharpening I had my men help me drive through his eye as we did he went crazy screaming at the top of his lungs. He moved to he bolder and pushed it out the way so he could call for help while Ployphemus was calling for he said Nobody blinded him that was the name I gave to him all apart of the plan, his brothers didn’t listen well cause he said nobody blinded him so my men and I snuck passed his legs to get out the cave and return to are ship. We had reached the ship and reunited with the rest of the crew to leave as I felt grate about the escape I yelled it is I Oddysseus who has blind you let this be a lesson to you, then as I was shouting and yelling Ployphemus picked up a bolder and herded it at my ship leaving some damage we knew we couldn’t sell long with this damage so we had to find some where quick to land.

Monday, December 10, 2007

The Bow Test

My poor sweet Penelope still hade hope for me. I knew this because while i was a begger she held a contest of strength. I knew then that i stil had her in my heart, and she had me in hers. She tested if the suitors in my palace were skilled enough to thread and shoot an arrow threw twelve axes. I could smell dissapoinment in the suitors becaus ethey know it was impossible. my son Telemachus told them that i myself could do it. I knew that Penelope was stalling her engagement to one of the suitors. I watch them as they try to shoot it through the axes, but all have faied. Then I gave it a go myself. I had to concentrate carefully. One... two... three...! the arrow goes through all the axes. I felt a very god feeling insid of me when i did that. As the momment i stood up i could see that my whole body has changed back to normal, and that i wasn't an old man anymore. They gates of the throne room has been locked up. i knew know what i must do. My son and I were going to kill the suitors. One by one the suitor fled, but none can escape. I used my trusty bow and arrows to kill them all. Some of the Suior tried to killed me by using the same exact axes that i shot my arrow through. They threw them as if they were stones, but unfortuantly for them, i dogged them all. After the last Suitor was killed I wanted the room to be clean, so that i could talk to my sweet beloved Penelpoe.

THe Underworld

THe Underworld